Our Programs
Our on-site and off-site Day Habilitation Programs help our clients acquire, improve and retain the skills necessary to be as self-sufficient as possible. We provide instruction, practical experience and support to help them achieve their individual goals and enrich their lives. Â Areas of skill development include: social skills, money management and budgeting, self-care skills, food and nutrition, proper behavior in public settings, use of public services, appropriate attire, and constructive leisure activities.

The goal of Community Integration is to support the client as they learn to be more independent and become a participating member of the broader community. An important part of this program is for the client to interact with people in the community who are not paid to provide services for them. This involves participating in social events, recreational activities, or volunteering.

Personal assistance may be provided to help the individual do what they cannot do for themselves. This may include activities of daily living such as bathing, toileting, dressing, shopping, meal preparation, ambulating and grooming.

Getting and keeping a job is the goal of many of our clients. This can provide them with a sense of pride and accomplishment in addition to giving them extra spending money. We have services to support them in their journey and increase their likelihood of success.
Pre-Employment to develop personal and social skills required in the workplace.
Job Development to help with the job search and application process.
Supported Employment to provide continuing support and encouragement to help them succeed in their employment.

Most of the clients we serve are unable to drive due to their disabilities. We make certain that does not prevent them from living the life they deserve. Â We provide transportation to all of our training and community activities, to and from medical appointments, employment, grocery shopping, etc.
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